The One Poker Bonus Fits All Myth – What are the myths!!

Most poker review sites would have you believe the best poker bonus is simply who offers you the biggest match percentage with the largest deposit bonus. They would have you believe that the poker bonus they choose is simply the best one for everyone. This has got to be one of the biggest myths circulating on the net. Not only would they have you believe there is one bonus that is best for all they would also have you believe its the poker room that pays THEM the most for referring you.
Let’s cut through the fog and discuss the truth about poker bonuses for a second. What type of player you are should very much affect your decision to choose any particular poker bonus. The best poker bonus for you is the one that fits your playing style, NOT the poker reviews sites wallet. Ever wonder why Titan Poker is often found at the top of the list on most poker reviews sites? Its simple. They pay the most to obtain new traffic. Is that the type of “advice” you are looking for? I didn’t think so.
At the Judi online site, you should not believe at the myths. The use of the correct information will offer the best rewards to the gamblers. The use of the right skills and intelligence at the table is offering many benefits to the online gamblers. It will enhance the experience and provides more entertainment.
Each poker bonus has its pros and cons. There is no “one bonus fits all” out there. Some offer very large bonuses but require you to wager large amounts of money in order to recieve it. Others may offer far less of a bonus, but are relatively simple to obtain.
Another factor to consider when first choosing the best poker bonus for you is how much to deposit. Some poker rooms will release your bonus in increments like 10% when you earn enough player points or raked hands. Consider this for a minute:
- Player A deposits $100 for a $100 bonus
- Player B deposits $500 for a $500 bonus
- Player Points: 1 player point = $1 raked
Both players bonuses will be released in 10% increments and have 90 days to earn their bonus. Players are required to earn 10 player points for each $1 to be released. This means Player A needs to earn 100 player points before the poker room will release his first 10%. Player B must earn 500 player points before the poker room will release his first 10%. Now, i am not arguing that player B gets more money when his bonus is released, this is true. I simply wish to show how in some instances the amount you deposit could seriously affect your ability to claim your bonus. If you are comfortable with earning 5,000 player points in 90 days then depositing the $500 is clearly the right choice for you. If you are unsure you could clear even 1,000 player points in 90 days, then depositing less will actually gain you more return on your dollar.
Please remember the above does not apply at every poker room. I simply wanted to use it as a demostration of why you need to carefully consider what poker bonus is right for you. Each player has their own commitment level and playing style and should consider each poker bonus carefully. I will be doing my best as this site grows to graphically explain what poker rooms are best for what type of player. As i said, there is no “One poker bonus fits all”.